Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How to balance it all???

Well, its that time of year again.  School getting ready to start, scouting getting ready to start, football has started.
So, in my world, we have to balance, Boy scouts, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Piano lessons, Band, Football, committee meetings, Mom meetings(wine is usually involved!) and stuff that that older kids have not yet signed up for.  so basically, your typical family.

How the heck do we fit it all in.  This year is going to be even more interesting!  Hubby is the Cub Master of sons pack.  Son has started football.  Football, once school starts is three days a week.  Right now its 5 days a week.  CS meetings are on Mondays.  Football is on Monday, Tues, Thurs. 

Yeah conflict!  Bs's is on Tuesday nights, I have no idea when to schedule Piano lessons right now.  I think Band is 4 afternoons a week?

You should see my calendar!!!

So, basically its like this.  At least in my world its like this.  WE DO THE BEST WE CAN.  Yes, my son will miss a lot of CS's due to footbal.  Oh well.  He will not be the only one.  We will miss pack activities due to Football.  Oh well.  He will not be the only one.

When our oldest was a CS, we didn't get it.  We figured if you made a commitment to CS's you should be there!  Of course, we had the luxury of thinking that way since our other children were in diapers!  Boy were we clueless!!!

You can't do it all, and if you try to do it all, you will destroy the fun in it for your scouter.  If he's exhausted from football practice and you drag him to scouts, he will learn to hate scouts.

Dont force it, enjoy it.  Relax...the world will not end if you miss an event, or your son doesn't get a rocker, or daughter misses an activity.  Such is life.

This time we have with them, the running around, dropping kids off at the wrong place at the wrong time, sitting in the rain for 3 hours at practice(last night for me), eating dinner at 9pm, stuffing newspapers in the toes of cleats to dry them, finding music books, running a quick load of laundry at 10 pm that you will forget about for two days, etc etc etc....forgot my point here!

Its hard enough.   Dont add more stress into it.  If you miss a meeting, oh well.  If your leader or CM is not cool with it, inform that that this is life.  sometimes things get  missed.  Then, feel free to cuss at them under your breath as you walk away.  Its probably their only child, or they have a live in nanny :)

1 comment:

  1. We're still finalizing our involvement this year, but we're doing Boy Scouts and Venturing.

    Then at our church school we're probably doing: 4-H, Student Government Association, Key Club, Christian Honor Society, Beta Club, Junior Beta Club, Sophomore Club, Track and Field team, Chess classes, Chess club, plus church, exercising at the Y and I'm not sure what else. I think we'll have a family meeting and pare some of these activities down a bit! ;)
