Monday, July 25, 2011

Facebook group or Website..what is right for your pack/troop

So a recent question asked on CubScouts Facebook group asked the question, which was better, a facebook group or a website for communication.  Both have their pros and cons...

Of course, since I run a website for scouting, SMDScouts, I am more partial to websites!  Most of them offer more features than a facebook group.  But, let me try to look at this impartially. 

FB...You can make your group private, invite people to events, post pictures and photo albums and use it to generally communicate information.  Oh and you can email your group.  There might be more, but these are the features I have used.  Now, it does seem that some people are more likely to use a fb group than a website.  I think this is basically a personal preference.  I mean, who isn't on fb now!  If you can believe it, I am on fb more than I check my own sons scouting website and I built the silly thing!  Of course, hubby is the CM so I just rely on him for information!

Now..websites. Of course I am partial to  For obvious reasons.  Its my baby!  I have scoped out the competition and we all seem to be basically the same, (i'm just cheaper) :)

Since I am more familiar with my own website, I will use that in the comparison .  Now website, Memo field on home page along with calendar of events.  The ability to auto email event reminders.  Links to other sites, yes FB has this too.  Photo albums, yes on FB.  And on my site you can pw protect the pictures or the entire site.  On the admin side, you can enter rosters with complete information including parent information and addresses and emails and phone etc. And you can email from these rosters.  Fb you can only send out a mass email, SMDScouts can email the entire roster or individual dens or only board members.  The admin also has access to advancements which can be printed and taken to your local scout store for your list :)  Oh and event registration.  This is a big one for those of us with big groups. Forms are another big feature of most websites.  Upload them for your parents to download and print.   I for one am always losing forms so its a great feature for me!   Now these are only some of the features that SMDScouts offers.  A Few more than FB.  

I see it as this, fb is a social media..good for floating ideas, chatting up events etc etc,.  A website is an informational outlet.  You have info you need to get out and keep out. 

Well that is my two cents worth.

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