Saturday, April 2, 2011

Not about scouting....again...but very important!

It was a busy night in my house tonight.  I was thrilled when C1 had a bunch of friends show up and they decided to walk two miles back to one of the friends house.  I thought it was wonderful. 
After dinner, I went to visit two friends who had the unfortunate pleasure of being in the hospital.  I had txted C1 and told him I would pick him up on my way home. 

So, around 9:30, I got several frantic texts from my son begging me to come pick him up.  I figured it was typical teenage drama.  I hugged my GF goodnight, bid her well, and headed off.  I get to the friends house and C1 and his friend get in the car, obviously upset.  I didn't push, I didn't pry...C1 says to friend, should we tell my mom.  Friend says, I am not telling my mom.  I say to C1, you know you can tell me anything.  C1 proceeds to tell me that the friends house they were at, the parents were drunk.  and that they, C1 and his friend were very scared.  C1 also told me that the friend's house they were at, the friend told the boys that they(the parents) also smoke pot.

Yes, my heart stopped.  Yes, I wanted to cry.  Yes, I wanted to get angry, not at the boys.  Instead, I told the boys that they did the right thing.  I then dropped off C1's friend.  I turned to C1 and told him how proud I was of him.  I wanted to cry, to hug him, to protect him.  C1 then proceeded to tell me how friends dad was mean to his friend, called her horrible names along with the mom.  HORRIFIED!  I am absolutely horrified. 

I again told C1 how incredibly proud I am of him!  How he did the right thing.  Then, I told C1 that he was no longer allowed to go to this friends house.  I told him that he was not being punished.  I dont want him to be afraid in the future to tell me things, but what else am I to do.  He will never be allowed to go back there. 

I told him, that his friends will always be allowed to come to our house...have bonfires in our backyard..but never, never be allowed to go back there.

How horrible for him.  What a horrible thing for him to experience at such a young age.  (13)  But, I am so so so proud of him. 

Parents, please, please talk to your children.  We teach them to respect their elders, to be polite, that adults are always right.  but have you taught them what to do when an adult is wrong, or what to do when an adult's actions make them uncomfortable.  Teach them what to do, how to do it, what to say.  I have always told my kids that if they are in a situation that makes them uncomfortable, to call me....tell me their stomach hurts, tell me they have a headache whatever.  Just call me.  I will come and save them, protect them, hug them and tell them it will be ok, and tell them how proud of them I am.

And yes, I will be talking to C1's friends parents, the one that I dropped off. Their son might not have been taught that's its ok to tell them when something happens.  They need to know that that house is no longer safe.  I pray that they do not get mad at their son, I hope they get upset with themselves for not teaching their son, or not having an open relationship with their son.

I am proud of my son and his friend!