To get to it, go to xxxxxxxx and then click on login. I will provide you with your pw.
Don’t use it to sign up for things without my permission...if you do you will get tons of spam
Don’t send emails you wouldn't want your grandmother to read. In other words no bad words, no talking behind peoples backs etc etc.
If it would hurt your feelings it will hurt someone else's.
I have access to your email account. I will be reading your emails. Inappropriate emails received or sent, will be cause you to loose your email access for 1 day.. Second offense 2 days. Anything Very very inappropriate and you will lose access for 1 week.
If you abuse this email in any way, spamming other people etc etc, I will delete this account.
You will use proper grammar when communicating with anyone other than direct friends. That includes boy scouts, girl scouts, relatives or mom and dad, teachers, etc. If you do not, I will make you retype it and resend it with an apology for incorrect grammar.
Please note...just because you can delete an email does not mean its gone. It is NOT. All computer systems store information forever. If you throw something in the trash don’t think its can be retrieved. Never send an threatening email! Never send a sexting email. Never send personal information like your phone number or house number in an email. This information can be tracked. Emails are not secure. People have lost their jobs and even arrested because of what they sent in an email.
Because you are so young, email is a privilege. Don’t abuse it and you wont loose it!
Mom and Dad