Thursday, February 24, 2011

My son is a Boy much to get.!

Well...your son is now a Boy Scout.  If your new troop(remember its no longer a pack) is anything like ours, you were pointed to a website( where there is a 67 page pdf of the ins and outs, do's and don'ts. 

Please note, your son will be going on a camp out every single month! and for a week in the summer!  It is important to get the right gear but not have to sell one of the other kids to afford it.

Most important gear, backpack and sleeping bag.  Actually, lets start with the scout clothes. 

Most troops have class B's, which are simply t-shirts that they wear at camp.  Your son is 11 and not a huge kid.  Mine was five foot 5 at age 11, not typical.  Buy the shirts big!  Not huge, but big.  Your troop might recommend 5 shirts, especially for camp.  If you are money conscious, dont do it!  They wont change their clothes at camp!  My son came home from his very first weekend camp out wearing the same clothes he left in.  I asked him about it, he says to me, mom, there's no where to change there but in your sleeping bag.  Your son is 11 and wont want to strip down in front of other boys especially the older boys.  I buy three class b's, one size larger than he needs.

Scout pants.  Our troop requires the official scout pants.  Yes, I know they are $40 and I dont even spend that on myself for a pair of pants.  but what can you do.  I suggest that you buy the ones with the zip off legs.  Oh, and dont buy them big.  Buy them to fit.  The zip off legs work great...unless a minor flood comes along.  Last summer, one camp out, they had 8 inches of rain in one night!!!  One of my sons legs floated away never to be seen again.  True story!

I totally recommend a good backpack, one with a frame. Internal or external, its up to you.  I am partial to external because I like to have the ability to hang things on the outside of the pack, and you have more options, in my opinion, to hook things up.  Yes, its a lot of money!  I spent over $100 on my sons. but, keep in mind, its going to be used at least 12 months a year for the next 7 years.  Its worth it.  I shudder when I see kids show up in the parking lot with two or three duffels or even ,yes, a rubbermaid container!   Why do we use a purse with a long strap that we can loop over our keep our hands free!  You can fit EVERYTHING into one of these packs!  There are more pockets and hooks!  We use our sons when we go to the beach.  It fits everything we need in on pack! 

Oh, go out and buy a dozen carabiners.  They are great for hooking things on the pack! Home Depot sells them cheap!

Sleeping bags, it depends on your neck of the woods.  Yes, down is the warmest, but if you are in a wet and cold area, like Chicago, you dont want down!  If it gets wet, its useless! 

This is a great site for explaining the types of gear.  Scout Gear.  Its got great information, but is a bit of mind blaster with so much information.  Wicking and layering etc etc...   It was a little to much for me but help me pick out the right bag for my son.  You dont need to buy a $100 bag.  My sons is a mummy bag that cost $30 at Farm and Fleet.  It is rated -15 and they never camp outside when its that cold.  Make sure it comes with a good stuff sack that can attach to the backpack.  Remember, hands free.

Now, they will also need a sleeping mat.  Again, they dont need a $100 mat.  I think the one I bought was around $20 at sports authority.  You can blow in one end to puff it up a little.  Then, go to a fabric store and get some long velcro straps.  Mats dont come with bags and you want to be able to roll it and attach it to your pack.

Dont forget a camp pillow!  If it gets wet, its much easier and faster to dry on a line than your son's pillow from home.  And it stuffs into a small bag and fits into the pack much easier.

Mess kit.  Stumbling tripping boys, not watching where they are going with their food on a plate...Frisbee!  I know this sounds crazy, but a frisbee!  Upside down it holds quite a bit in!  Knife fork cup etc yes, and engrave your sons name on it!

These are the most important items that I can think of.  Yes, there is a huge list of things, but they can all be purchased cheaply at your local stores and even the dollar store.  Check there for a headlamp and flashlight and batteries! 

Keep in mind, what you buy will probably get lost!  Which is why I dont recommend spending a lot of money on gear.  Except the big gear.  Harder to lose that! more thing that is not on most lists....a deck of playing cards!  It should be a must!  Last summer camp out, one of the trailers got three, count them three flat tires... yes a two tired trailer.  Deck of cards can be a lifesaver!

Under no circumstances should you pack your sons pack!  You can assist, with what he should put in there, but dont touch his stuff.  He wont know where to find it or if its even packed, if he hasn't packed it himself!  And he has to learn somehow how to fit all of it. 

If rain is predicted, days of clothes in Zip Loc bags.  But dont be surprised when he comes home and all of his clothes are still neatly packed in those zip loc bags. 

They have a ton of fun at camp outs.  They dont change their clothes, they dont brush their teeth, they dont use deodorant!

They come home smelly and filthy and exhausted! 

Last bit of advice on this really log and scattered blog posting......

Make YOUR SON unpack his pack first thing!  Empty it completely, and then if possible hang it outside to air out, along with his sleeping bag and pillow.  They will reek!  Then, have him re pack the items that he uses for the camp outs in his pack.  Mess kit, first aid kit, flashlight, etc etc.  That way he is not frantic five minutes before its time to leave because he can't find his spork :)

Happy Camping!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Letting go....

I touched on this briefly in my last blog post, Choosing the Right Troop, about letting go. 

Dear Scout Masters, Ass't Scout Masters Patrol Leaders, and other, older boys.

My son is 11 yrs old.  He is just a baby. I can tell you everything about him.  He's sensitive, funny, creative, helpful, and a wonderful person.  Please love him like he is one of your own children, better than if he was one of your own kids(we are all nicer to the neighbors kids than our own, right)  Help him choose the right path, guide him, love him, nurture him.  Understand my position.... I am now being asked to hand him over to a group of strangers, men and boys a like.  I am being asked to let just plain let go.  to drop him off at meetings and wave goodbye.  To not know what he is doing every second he is with you.  To leave it up to him to keep track of his things, his book, his requirements, his jacket!  Here is my son, please take good care of him.

YEAH RIGHT!  Ok.  To be honest, that is what you are going to be asked to do!  You go from knowing every inner working of your cub scout pack, to not even knowing the other boys names or *gasp* their parents! 

I will never forget when I took my son to his first troop meeting, (it is now called a troop, not a pack).  I stayed.  I was the only parent there not wearing a brown shirt with patches glued or stapled to it!  I was surround by a ton of boys, most of them taller than me, running around greeting each other, back slapping, belching, you know, being boys.  My son was so was I!  Its always scary to go from an environment that you spent years being comfortable in, to one that you are sooooooo lost in! 

Good lord man! (directed towards my husband) what do you mean I am supposed to just drop him off and go.  Just last week, I had to remind him that we dont climb on tables at his last pack meeting.  Who is going to keep him in line now?  that doesn't quite sound right, but I think you know what I mean.  How am I supposed to make sure he behaves himself if I am not there!!??

Well, one thing I noticed, there are a lot of ASM's there.  That is Ass't Scout Masters.  I mean a lot.  There are also a lot of older boys there.  Yes, I know..slightly scary  *teenagers*.  But my point is, there are a lot of people there to help guide your son, my son, along the correct path.  To keep him from climbing up on tables!  To goof around at meetings, or during meetings I should say. 

Its about letting go.  That is what Boy Scouts is about.  Yes its also about learning a lot of great values and tying knots and making fires...but, for moms and their first born sons, its about letting go!  We can do it!  It will be hard...but it is necessary!  It is important..they are boys, soon to be men.  They must learn to stand up for themselves, keep track of their belongings, their feet and hands, and their mouths.  They will NEVER learn that if we are always around.

Dont get me wrong...I am involved.  Once a year, the moms join their sons on a camp out..and just last week, I found his shirt for him.  Now, my son (due to other circumstances)needs a little parental prodding to keep him moving towards his requirements.  But to be honest, I think all young boys do.  Its ok to prod a little, to remind about requirements, etc etc., but step back! 

Take a deep breath, and step back!  Your son will thank you for it and heck, once they hit 12-13, they dont want you around anyway :)

Next post, camping...what to bring, how to pack it and what to expect...  and if anyone finds a wallet made out of duct tape, please let me know..he left it at the last meeting and no one has found it(i think it got tossed by someone knowing it was a duct tape wallet)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Choosing the right Boy Scout Troop.

So, prior to the blue and gold, we were supposed to visit other BS troops in our area in order to make a more informed decision about where we were going to have our son spend the remaining of his scout years.

Its kind of like picking out a new dentist.  You ask your friends, neighbors, other members, but you really dont know until you start going. 

My son loves scouts.  Is not a sport guy at all.  He is the type of person you want next to you on a plane if it goes down in the mountains!  He was 8 when he built a waterproof lean - to in my backyard.  He was also 8 when he started a fire using two sticks.  (partially my fault, I had show him to make a bow and use the string gizmo) 

He loves the woods, loves camping and is your general grizzly adams type of character.  So, it was important for us to find a troop that fit what he wanted.  1000% scouting.  My husband and son went to meetings, went on the webelos camp out etc etc.  Did everything they were supposed to do to find just the right fit for my son.. 

Guess what!  It was the wrong fit for my son.  The troop we picked, we thought kept a tight reign on things.  They did not.  My son, due to other issues, needs a little more prodding towards goals than maybe, some other kids.  Needs a little more structure.  The troop we picked did not have that.  It took us a year to realize our mistake.  (there was a little more to it than this, but not really necessary to go into detail)

What did we do?  We moved him.  Just because you put your son into a troop, that does not mean that he has to be there for life.  If its not a good fit, then its not a good fit. 

BS's is so different the cub scouts.  We dont attend meetings or camp outs.  We dont go to community service projects or eagle projects.  We drop them off in a parking lot.  We have to rely on the values that we have taught our boys so far to carry them through.  Which means, that when we drop them off in the parking lot (handing them over to patrol leaders who are huge and need a shave), we are relying on their 11 yr old sense of right and wrong to carry them through.  They will be influenced by boys who were not raised with the same sense of values. 

Remember, this is about the boys.  More specifically, this is about your son.  If after a day, or a month or a year, you decide that the troop is not a good fit, then move your son.  But, dont make this decision lightly.  Dont move him because he's being picked on.  According to my husband, boys get picked on.  Use it as a learning tool. 

But, if it is not a good fit at all, then by all means, move!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Blue and Gold and Moving on.....

With the February comes the Blue and Gold....which also means anyone with Webelos is moving up, out and on.

Guess what Mom's and Dad's.  Big big changes are in store for not only your son but more so for you! There are so many things you will need to know and understand, to many to write about in one posting, so I will provide my insight over several posts.  Please understand, I am not speaking for all cub scout packs or all boy scout troops.  Only my own personal experiences.

First...the new mom panic! 

We go from being at every function and almost every meeting to dropping them off at the door and leaving.  Yes, troops do encourage parental involvement, but not like they do in Cub Scouts.  We are used to receiving emails, phone calls, notes in the mail, newsletters, reminders, about upcoming activities.  We go to a pack meeting, we are handed a sheet with information regarding the next activity, we fill it out and give them a check. 

Now, we have to, are forced to reply upon the boy to provide this information.  I dont know about the rest of you, but I swear my son would forget his shoes if I didn't yell shoes as he tried to run out the door for school. 

Hopefully, your troop has a website (   This way you can keep up to date on events.  Or maybe its a small troop so its easier to get information.  My sons troop....very big..  they dont have time to babysit.  They hand out paperwork, or send one email.  If you miss the deadline...tough!  There are no more constant reminders.  This is apparently what boy scouts is all about.  Teaching our boys independence and responsibility.  Dont get me wrong, I am all for that...but...

expect to feel completely lost the first couple of months or even year.  It is a normal feeling!  Resist the urge to go with your son to every meeting.  No one elses' mommy is there :)  We are forced to let go, all at once.  it becomes more of the boys responsibility to keep track of paperwork and even requirements for things like tenderfoot, second class etc. 

This is a GOOD thing!  Let them go..a peck on the cheek(if no one else is looking) and our fingers crossed that they dont do anything stupid, but let them go. 

Next blog....  What if we choose the wrong troop to put our son in???? 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cold Weather Camping

Being a mom with a BS, I have the opportunity to go on any camp out they have.  Therefore we all get together once a year and go on a camp out with our sons. 
I was fortunate enough to miss last years camp out when all of the moms earned their polar bear patch!  I've camped in the cold.  I've camped at 12K feet in the summer and froze my you know what off!  I dont camp in the cold anymore.

So, one of the moms heard of a great idea and she said it saved her.  She made a mat out of insulation.  Not the fluffy stuff you blow into the attic but the stuff that comes in a roll and is lined with some sort of silver backing? is how you make it

Basically, go to Home Depot and ask them to cut you a piece about two feet wide by six feet long.  They will do that.  Bring it home and cut it into strips width wise not length wise.  How wide should the strips clue..but here is what you are going to do with them

Re assemble your mat by duct taping only one side of it back together.  You are basically making your mat into an accordion that you can easily fold up and carry!  How cool is that!

Now..since I dont do cold weather camping anymore, I was unable to test this myself...however, I did hear from the moms that used it that it worked great and protected their bodies and retained their heat. 

so give it a shot...see what happens. 

Next camp out for me...canoeing, summer thing and all

Saturday, February 12, 2011

So I built this website....

When my Oldest (C1) was a tiger cub and hubby was a Tiger Leader, his pack did not have a website..heck not many packs back then did. 

Well back when I had a life, pre kids, Oh that does not sound mean...we all had lives back then...did what we want, when we want where we wanted and with whom.  I love my kids and cant imagine life without them but sometimes.......

anyway...I used to be a programmer way back I sat down and built my son's pack a website.  It was crude and painful but it worked.  Well, then my daughter became a Daisy and I her leader..Again, I built a site, this time basing it off of my sons site.  C1 became a BS, I built them a you see the pattern.  I got tired of redoing the same thing over and over.  So...with a few modifications...I re-built one site, added a few extra extras tweaked it here and there and launched it.  I asked people I knew to take it for a test drive and break it. 

Soon, I began getting permission to post it on FB groups etc and got more people to play with it. People began making suggestions, I began building them. 

Originally, I offered it as donation only....sigh....Didn't work..  Remember, I am not looking to make money...but I have to pay my overhead :)  So I was forced to charge.  but...its for a really really good cause, so I charge a buck a month.  Hubby says I am crazy especially because I am not covering my costs yet...but oh well...I believe in time I will be.

Now, I am learning to market my awesome site!  Not because I want to make a ton of money, I mean how can I on $1.00 a month, but because I want every scout mom or ASM Widdow (like me) to be able to keep track of where her kid or kids go on certain days..I want people to be able to RSVP online for events so leaders dont have to call everyone in the den.  Things like that..

So ...wish me luck and spread the word!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Pinewood Derby`

Did I mention that besides trying to get C1 out the door tonight C3 has his first pinewood derby.  His car looks exactly like the box.  Apparently when you are 7 that is good. I thought it should be a lincoln log as that is his favorite toy. 

Oh well.  It should be fun...I think, if I was there for more than 45 min..C2 has a basketball game that I have to take her to right in the middle of the derby.  Oh well..

Oldest heading off to Cave Campout

My oldest know as C1, is heading off to a BS camp out located in cave. We have been told by the SM that any clothes that C1 wears in the cave should be thrown out when he gets home...wait., what? 

Apparently, the cave is very muddy and constantly dripping water..I had to go out and buy a tarp for him to drape over his tent so he does not have to be rung out in the morning. 

Ok...Here is a good idea for all of you scouting mom's and dad's out there.  If you should have  a camp out like this, go to your neighborhood thrift store and buy clothes there.  That way you have only spent a couple of dollars and dont feel so bad about it.  I actually bought my GF a winter jacket for her son as his is a brand new ski jacket.  $5.00.  it was half off day.

No, normally, I send the digital camera with him to camp outs.  I dont think I will do so this time.  He's not very good at keeping himself clean.  He is the type that will be crawling through every nook and crany of that cave. 

The upside...It is a constant 53 degrees inside the cave.  Which may seem cold to many of you, but it has been below zero here so that will feel like a heat wave..

Maybe I'll post a pix of him when he gets home...we might have to hose him off in the back yard.  I dont envy the leaders who are driving!